Tips to Transform Your Space on a Budget

Do you long for more space but don’t know how to create it? Homeowners often feel cramped, but it’s easy to create more space without major renovations. There are many ways you can transform your living area and make the most out of them with some clever design tricks!

Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Get rid of clutter. This is one of the simplest but most effective ways to make your home feel more spacious. Go through each room and declutter surfaces, cupboards and drawers. If you haven’t used something in a while, get rid of it. You’ll be surprised at how much lighter and airier your home will feel when there’s less stuff cluttering up the place.
  2. Paint your walls in light colours. Dark colours can make a room feel small and claustrophobic, so go for light or neutral shades instead. This will immediately brighten up your space and make it feel more open.
  3. Let in the light. Natural light can make even the smallest space feel more open and airy. Open up curtains and blinds during the day to let in as much sunlight as you can. This will make your home feel instantly warmer and more welcoming. If you don’t have enough windows, consider installing some skylights to really brighten things up.
  4. Use mirrors strategically. Mirrors are great for making a room look bigger because they create the illusion of extra space. Hang them opposite windows or in any dark corners of your home to reflect light and make the space appear larger.
  5. Edit your furniture. Too much furniture can make a room feel cramped and cluttered, so only keep the pieces that you absolutely love. If you have any extra furniture, consider selling it or donating it to make more space in your home.
  6. Use rugs to define spaces. Rugs can help to create distinct areas in an open floor plan, making a home feel cosier. Choose rugs that complement your furniture and home décor, and make sure to vacuum them regularly to keep them looking clean and new.
  7. Bring in nature. Plants are known to boost moods and purify the air, so adding some greenery to your home can be a great way to improve your space. If you don’t have a green thumb, consider low-maintenance options like succulents or snake plants.
  8. Incorporate storage solutions. Clutter can make a space feel small and cramped, so finding ways to keep things organized is essential. Add shelves for books and knickknacks, install hooks for coats and bags, and invest in a few storage bins to tuck away any excess items.
  9. Stick to a neutral palette. When it comes to choosing furniture, stick to muted colours like white, cream, or grey. Not only will this make your space look bigger, but it will also be more calming and relaxing.
  10. Use strategic furniture placement. Placing furniture away from walls makes a room feel more open while using smaller pieces helps to maximize space.
  11. Invest in multifunctional furniture. Pieces like ottomans with storage, coffee tables with built-in shelves, and daybeds that double as couches are ideal for small spaces.
  12. Choose furniture with exposed legs. Furniture with exposed legs creates the illusion of more space by giving the eye a place to rest rather than stopping at the solid mass of the piece.
  13. Make your house energy efficient. You can install Solar panels Newcastle as it will produce clean energy and reduce your power bill.

To conclude

It is incredible what a little creativity and elbow grease can do for your living space. By following these tips, you should be able to create the illusion of more space in any room without spending a fortune or hiring a professional. Whether you are looking to renovate your home or just make a few minor tweaks, these ideas will help get you started on the path to bigger and better things!

Five Benefits of Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is easy to install and sustainable. Over the past few decades, it has been rising up the scales of preference for many builders and homeowners, particularly in the residential market. This is in spite of the fact other roofing options are getting affordable and more innovative as well. In the past decade alone, the metal roofing market share has quadrupled as it finds its way into new construction projects.

Tiled roof
God’ old tiled roof

The benefits of metal roofing have proven too hard ignore. Innovative manufacturing technologies in the fabrication of metal roofing materials now also enable homeowners to build or upgrade their property using metal roofing materials that provide lasting value. The main drawback with metal roofing has been the fact they diminish in value pretty quickly compared to other roofing materials. However, they still offer you plenty of benefits that make them worth considering for your building and home improvement projects.

#1 Ease of Installation

Perhaps the biggest benefit with metal roofing is the ease with each you can install it. While the shingles vary in design and sizes, metal roofing is on average easier to install compared to other roofing materials.

#2 Sustainability

Metal roofing contributes to sustainability on so many levels. For one, they reflect the radiant solar heat which can cut down on your cooling costs by between 10% and 25%.

Then there is the sustainability generated from the manufacturing process. Metal roofs are generally fabricated from 25% to 95% recycled materials. The metal roof is also 100% recyclable so once it is past its use by date, it can be fed back into the manufacturing kilns and used in fabricating new metal roofing materials and other metallic materials.

Metalic Cladding side job
Metal Roofing And Side Cladding

Advances in metal manufacturing techniques now result in even more energy-efficient metal roofing materials. Some metal roofing materials have been coated with infrared reflective finishes that will reflect much of the infrared rays from the sun to help keep the roof temperatures cool. For homeowners, this can result in significant energy savings and reductions in the HVAC costs. Metal roofing panels can also be used to easily host other energy-efficient and even energy-producing building materials.

Metal roofing can be use in conjunction with all types of insulation systems. You can use them with thick insulation to help maximize on the performance of your buildings.

If you are planning to go green, it is easy to install solar panels on your metal roofing. The photovoltaic (PV) panels can easily be installed on any part your metal roofing without having to penetrate the roofing surface. This will enable you to get optimal performance from your PV cells without much risk.

#3 Longevity

When you use modern metal roofing materials, you are assured of excellent quality roofing over the long haul. Metal roofing has a lifespan ranging from 40 to 70 years. This is quite impressive if you consider that the traditional asphalt roofing has a lifespan of just 12 to 20 years.

Metal Roofing Benefits
Metal Roofing

A Metal Construction Association (MCA) study found that metal roofing consisting of low-slope unpainted 55% Al-Zn alloy coating has a lifespan of up to 60 years. That is an entire lifetime! This is also the service life of a typical commercial building. Using metal roofing in your building is generally a ‘set and forget’ scenario. Once you install the roofing, you might as well forget about it. This long lifespan further contributes to the sustainability of metal as a roofing material as it cuts down on the demand for replacement metal roofing materials and the heavy-duty manufacturing involved in producing them.

#4 Durability

Metal roofing can withstand a quite a bit of battering without getting damaged. From snowstorms to hailstones, gusts of winds and even stones, your metal roofing will withstand it all and stay intact. They don’t crack and modern metal roofing materials do not corrode easily. Their resilience means they can withstand even the most extreme weather conditions.

#5 Low Maintenance Costs

One of the issues that you face with other roofing materials apart from the high labor costs and complex installation involved is usually the regularity with which you have to carry out the maintenance. According with the Toowoomba Roofer team, with metal roofing, you won’t have to grapple with the costly periodic maintenance. It is, however, advisable to inspect your metal roofing periodically for any signs of deterioration or damage.

Home Renovation Ups and Downs

Home renovation requires a lot of patience. Even though this is the case, most homeowners still opt to make additions to their aging homes, instead of purchasing new homes. This added value and a modern look to their existing residence. Homeowners have become increasingly excited to renovate and try out the latest styles and products available, especially when it comes to bathroom renovation, according to ower friends at Newcastle Tilers.

Improve your home with a better bathroom

It’s important for money to be used wisely, and so before anyone decides to embark on a home improvement journey; they should consider the impact of the renovation on the value of their asset. It is crucial to limit the cost of the restoration to the value of each room. Taking on home renovations or home improvement projects can also be intimidating, but a well thought out plan is always beneficial.

A good plan helps the owner stay on track and helps them stick to the budget. The plan should include deadlines by building an accurate timeline and by making sure all materials required from start to finish are purchased ahead of time.

It is advisable to start one task and complete it before moving onto another one. This instantly limits the possibility of many abandoned or incomplete projects. It also helps with the inconvenience of having to continue to live around the renovation. This could be a potential safety hazard.

Don’t procrastinate on your home renovation projects.

Be confident if you decide to take on a DIY project, it is not for the fainthearted. It is more cost-effective than hiring contractors, and it is a productive way to ensure that you maintain your house and maintain its upkeep.

Always use quality materials so that your renovation job lasts you long, possibly years. Some projects which usually add value to an individual property are:

Kitchen remodelling

The kitchen is considered the heart of the home, and so updating this room will undoubtedly pay off. Adjusting the style, size and quality is essential but always keep future potential buyers in mind, should you decide to sell your house in a few years. A fresh paint job using modern colours usually does the job, as well as replacing old appliances.

The kitchen is the most important space of any house.

Bathroom renovation

If a house only has one bathroom, one possible idea is to invest in adding another one. Another option is to extend your current one by perhaps adding a shower or bath if it does not have both. Adding accessories and fixing small things such as the toilet, tub, shower or bath will go a long way.

Room reinvention

Adding on a new room onto your existing home can be expensive but beneficial, especially if you have a big family. You can, however, reinvent a space that already exists by converting, for example, an attic or basement to a bedroom. This will save you a lot of money. Necessary updates will add the most value as they will keep your home from deteriorating.

Repairing or replacing flooring

Replacing your floors by taking out old carpets, for example, to replace it with wooden floors or ceramic tiles etc., can add an overdue decor upgrade to your home. It is important not to buy cheap flooring materials and not to cut corners. If you select cheap flooring you will have to replace it in a few years; a durable option is required. You will save more money in the long run.

Wooden floor are a classic that always add style to your spaces

The smaller renovations should not be forgotten or overlooked, and they also have a significant impact on the overall look and finish of the residence. Improvements can be made because, as a homeowner, you may want to sell up in the future. They can also be done to revamp individual spaces in your house simply. Adding on a new room onto your existing home can be expensive but beneficial, especially if you have a big family. You can reinvent a space that already exists by converting an attic or basement to a bedroom. This will save you a lot of money. Simple updates will add the most value as they will keep your home from deteriorating.

Advantages of underfloor heating

Underfloor heating has gained so much popularity over the years. Many individuals have opted to enjoy cold winter days with a centralised heating system. Underfloor heat is one of the fastest home renovation projects that people are taking on. Even though the installation costs are quite hefty, you will enjoy the benefits over a long period. The system can heat any ambient all the way up to the ceiling, bringing warmth and convenience in any household. Adding this type of heating will increase the value of your home.

No more indoor cold winter for you!

By the way, if you are looking to add value to your property, check out my last post.

Here are a few advantages of underfloor heating and why it is one of the most effective solutions for your house:

Energy Saver

Underfloor heating distributes heat at a lower temperature than regular radiators. This reduces running costs and offers a more pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort in a household. Your electricity bill can be lowered instantly as a room will be heated evenly; there are no irregularities. Unlike radiators, which heat up only certain spots. It does not require to be heated up to a high temperature before it can warm up, whereas traditional heaters need to be heated to a very high temperature to acclimate a whole room.

Say goodbye to costly energy bills.

Low Maintenance

Underfloor heating requires minimal maintenance as the heating system is regulated and controlled. A smart home WIFI controls it enabled thermostat or a programmed thermostat. There is less stress with this as you can tailor and modify your temperature.

Design Freedom

Underfloor heating offers space as there are not radiators sticking out. They do not take up space which allows you to decorate your rooms as you please. Your walls and flooring are freed up.


There will be no worries of exposed heating panels and safety hazards when you install underfloor heating. It is cleaner and does not encourage dampness around the home.

The radiant heat offers better air quality as the air is kept fresh at all times. Oxygen is still prevalent, unlike with standard radiating systems where the air becomes dry and uncomfortable. Since the air movement is at a minimum, allergens and mites are at a low with underfloor heating.

Easy to Install

Installing underfloor heating is very simple, most especially if it is inserted while building a house from scratch or during a renovation project. There is a fast and easy method used to do all the wiring. Additionally, it is easy to clean, and dust is kept at a low, unlike with radiators which need to be cleaned regularly.

Flexible to install with any floor type

The beauty of underfloor heating is that it can be installed with various floor types, such as wood, tile, stone, vinyl, carpet and more. This is great for those who have elaborate ideas about how they want to decorate their homes. Design plans will certainly not be compromised.

It is recommended that everyone looks into installing underfloor heating. It is an efficient and simple way to heat your home. Even the installation costs are a bit on the high side; they are well worth it. You are given options depending on your budget per square metre so that you can tailor your heating system according to your needs. It is essential also to note and be mindful that installing underfloor heating will save your energy bills in the long run. It will work out to your advantage in the future, and you will live in the utmost comfort and warmth. Traditional radiators are not cost-effective; they use up a lot of energy and take up wall space.

6 Secrets to Add Value to Your Property

There are specific projects which can instantly elevate your home. Even if you do not plan on selling your house any time soon, you can always enhance the appeal of your residence. Knowing how to add value to your property is essential; you do not need to break the bank, there are cost-effective ways to upgrade your house.

It is essential to know that not only large projects add value to real state but also smaller ones too. Necessary structural repairs and add-ons are not to be overlooked. Converting certain areas into different functions is always beneficial.

Do not overlook the essential repairs

These days more and more people prefer a property that does not have ‘’inbuilt’’ carpets for example since they are difficult to maintain and keep clean. Working on one’s outdoor space and making it more appealing is crucial. Landscaping can beautify a space; making your garden an area where you can entertain or relax when needed can add value. Most valuable home improvements are the ones which increase the value of your house.

Landscaping is an easy way to add value to your property

Here are some great ways to add value to your house:

1) Garage Door Replacement

Replacing your current garage door with a newer and upgraded model can elevate and change the aesthetic of your house. A door built with durable materials that are high performance will be beneficial; preferably with a remote-controlled and automatic system.

2) Kitchen Upgrade

The kitchen is one of the most valuable spaces to improve. If you plan on selling your house in the future, this will definitely be the selling point. Buyers always look at the kitchen first when buying a property. Adding new appliances, installing new countertops, updating the flooring, and fixing and painting cabinets are some of the ways to elevate the look of your kitchen. Small changes in a kitchen can go a long way and bring in a good return in investment.

3) Bathroom remodel

The bathroom can be updated and improved on by fixing and updating the toilet, sink, bath, shower, flooring and adding energy-efficient lighting. This is also a crucial area that can add value to your house.

4) Replace flooring

If you have stained or worn out carpets, these can be easily replaced with wooden or ceramic tiles. These are prefered nowadays as they are not very high maintenance.

5) Regular maintenance and repairs checks and upgrades

Always make sure to make a structured list of smaller things which need to be fixed in your households such as doorknobs, power points, switches and cupboard handles. These minor repairs make a significant impact even though they are small. They will improve the overall look of your home.

6) Landscaping

Landscaping is one of the most affordable ways to make improvements and add value. Adding plants such as flowers, shrubs and trees, or trimming lawns are essential ways to elevate your look. Having low maintenance plants will save you lots of money. Do not install fountains or artificial grass such as astroturf because they are costly and difficult to maintain. Energy costs will be increased in this case, and no money will be saved.

As you are making upgrades to your home and deciding on project ideas, make sure to be aware of the current market value of your home, and the houses in your neighbourhood. Make notes of which houses in the area have top value and what they have. This way, you can come up with more renovation ideas which will increase your property value.

Spend some time doing market research for your area

If your home is well looked after and adequately structured already, you can get away with minor improvements. Small changes, such as a fresh paint job is also a way to enhance.

How to pick a contractor: aspects to consider before hiring a builder.

Renovating your home is not only about the work that goes into it but also finding a competent, trustworthy and professional contractor to do the job. There have been many horror stories where contractors started renovation jobs and left without finishing or of projects costing far beyond the estimated budget.

One of those horror contractors again.

A contractor who is efficient and performs high-quality work is needed but even with a good one the home renovation can bring forth lots of issues and surprises such as leaking pipes or rotten floors. And so, below we will share some great tips on how to find the right contractor.

Have a clear vision and idea of what you want your project to be. Draw up a plan of ideas before contacting a contractor; this way, you will receive more accurate estimates for your project.

Contact family and friends for references to competent contractors. People you know may have done a similar project to yours and would have credible recommendations. Reach out to them so that they can connect you with them.

Select at least five contractors to interview once found. Have a detailed conversation with each contractor and ask a lot of questions about your project. Make sure that each contractor sends a proposal with identical tasks, for you to have a thorough comparison. This is one of the essential parts of the whole process.

Big renovation project. The bigger the job the more research you should do.

Ask the basic questions, such as, what the subcontractor’s roles will be. If you are working on a big project, the main contractor will likely appoint subcontractors for specialized work. Find out what their schedules will be and task allocations.

Choose the contractor who has the appropriate licences and litigation history. Be sure to ask the contractor and subcontractors for copies of their licences to ensure that you will receive quality wings.

Sign a detailed contract. Put together a contract that spells out all the details, from payment schedules, deadlines, materials to be used and the quantities. Protect yourself at all costs.

Get the necessary permits. Most countries require certain permits and so to avoid breaching certain laws and receiving fines, sign up for them. Do not hire contractors who insist on working without permits as you may run into serious issues during and after your project.

Wall tiling is one of the most common renovation projects.

Always pay a deposit only before work commences. Do not ever pay a contractor in full before starting a project. There have been stories of contractors who have scammed their clients. Having a payment schedule for each phase of your renovation will protect you and ensure that all work is completed thoroughly.

Once you have gone through all the pointers above, and your project starts, be sure to streamline all communication channels with your contractor. Schedule daily calls with your builder to make sure that everything is going according to plan. Having organized and clear communication will enable you to speak up if any issues arise immediately. You hire a contractor who you trust so that you do not have to micromanage and oversee the project at all times. A reliable contractor will deliver frequent updates and supervise the project on your behalf. You can always rely on Hipages if you really struggle to find a good tradesperson.

Do not make final payments until you are completely satisfied and your contractors have finished the project assigned to them. This point needs to be stated in the contract so that everyone involved is aware. Everything that involves the project should be transparent. Sneaky and corrupt contractors would leave a project without finishing the finer details. Do not let this happen to you; be very vigilant and smart.